Gebäudeprojektion Unterägeri_Flyer_Vorderseite

Every evening, video sequences and animated photographs are projected onto the south façade of the Acher Süd school building in Unterägeri, Switzerland. The building and its architecture become part of the video installation. The video recordings used were made in and around Unterägeri, sometimes far away from Unterägeri, and explore the question of what home is or can be. The focus is as much on the direct relationship to the local as on the view of the big picture. Is it the familiar that puts us in the emotional situations of our homeland? Which fragrances, which sounds and which images trigger feelings of home in us?

Building projection from 24 October to 24 November 2019, every evening from 7 to 10 pm.

In collaboration with Kultur Unterägeri and Martin Riesen, Grafikanimation GmbH.

Gebäudeprojektion Unterägeri_Flyer_Rückseite

Heimatabend_Zuger Zeitung_20191018Press article, Zuger Zeitung, 18th October 2019

Press article, zentralplus, 25th October 2019

Zuger Presse 20191030-1

Zuger Presse 20191030-1_2

Zuger Presse 20191030-7Press article, Zuger Presse, 30th October 2019

Press article, zentralplus, 7th November 2019




Remo HegglinPhoto credit: Patrick Hürlimann, Zuger Zeitung

Remo HegglinPhoto credit: Patrick Hürlimann, Zuger Zeitung